If you’re a serious strength or physique athlete, you’ve surely heard that supplements can help you get the most from your intense training sessions and on-point diet. But which supplements? The market is overstuffed like a bodybuilder in a child’s blazer! You might be tempted to wander through a digital forest of get-big blogs and personal guru […]
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Have your patients complained about the size, taste or effectiveness of supplemental pills? It’s a surprisingly common refrain among individuals that rely on supplements for essential nutrients. In those cases, you can now recommend liquid vitamins as an alternative to pills. Liquid vitamins represent an increasingly popular choice for consumers seeking a supplement that’s convenient […]
Bone health is a major health concern among aging baby boomers. Methods to ward off complications by improving calcium metabolism continue to evolve, with scientists working to sort out the most effective supplementation protocol. Initially, back in the 80s, patients were usually advised to simply supplement with calcium carbonate to shore up their bones. When […]
Best known for its key role in eye health and vision, vitamin A is actually a group of key compounds essential for many facets of human health.* The active preformed vitamin A found in animal products is most bioavailable. In contrast, the provitamin A carotenoids from plants must be converted to the active form, and each […]
No matter how good your intentions may be, even the best-laid plans to improve your health can be undermined if your supplements’ quality and delivery method don’t match your body’s needs. While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to supplementation, liquid vitamins and supplements lend themselves to optimal nutrient absorption, offer an easy way to increase dosages […]